

Re-Lower was designed over eight weeks as part of MCAD’s User Experience and Mobile Apps course. During this time, we focused on wire framing, prototyping, and user interviews.
The project focused on developing low-fidelity prototypes for user testing to improve usability and build a strong narrative within the user experience.

Re-Lower is a low-waste lifestyle app created to provide users with an easy way to track and improve their household waste ouput, recycle items correctly and make concious lifestyle decisions as the app integrates with their routines such as shopping and transportation.

The component presented here is an AR feature that allows the user to scan objects using their phone camera within the app, which then guides them through the process of recycling or disposing of their item, logging their waste/recycling data to build their user statistics.

Board 4@0.5x.png
input jump3.png

Resarch and testing proceeded to focus on ubsability elements such as information fields moving on screen to optimize visibility.

input jump4.png

Final Design




Next steps would be to continue testing, centering questions around higher fidelity design components.